quarta-feira, 24 de junho de 2015

I went to class today
I'm going to show Adele
I bought a keychain
I will buy a scarf
I wrote a note
I read a book
I will come in class yesterday
I will work today
I wrote a book
I went to library
one of the best trips I've ever done was to london and paris, la I ate many things as I did too, I went with my mother and my brother minnha father, I made several purchases of clothing, toys, when I went I had + or- an 11 year old where I more Gosei to go was the big bang and also liked batande to see the snow in Switzerland
the dogs are friendlier than cats
dogs are usually larger than the cats
cats are more flexives the dogs
cats have very long nails longer than the dogs
protect the dogs more than cats ...
some curiosities of dogs
they can take care of your home
they are considered the man's best friends
they love to play to catch the ball and also the stick
There dogs owners who have not only for them but also for another battalion such as dogs Police dogs
They are great sniffers


My favorite animal is the dog, because they are very friendly, animated, funny etc moreover they protect us, protogem our things, our home. They help to rescue lost people, besides being the best friend of man

segunda-feira, 22 de junho de 2015


Guarapuava is a cold city
Guarapuava dont have shopping
Guarapuava is smaller
Guarapuava have alot of farms
Guarapuava dont have mc donalds

10 adjectives

1-My brother is most intelligent than Bob
2-An apple is more haviest than Candy
3-Rio de Janeiro is hotest than Guarapuava
4-My friend is shortest than my
5-Ferrari is most expensive than a computer
6-My baby sister is the youngest child in my family
7-Dogs are most beutiful than mouses
8-Hulk is most strongest than Thor
9-Tigers are more dangerous than cats
10-Chimpanzees are most intelligent than Horses