terça-feira, 3 de junho de 2014


  1. Dogs can eat but can´t speak english
  2. Dogs can sleep but can´t paint
  3. Dogs can swim but can`t speak portugues´
  4. Dogs can drink water but can´t cook


the panda certainly is a very cute animal is not even more unfortunately they are endangered so we have to prevent all who kill for; fun, create laws because they can not end!

  • this picture has several lindinhos and tiny little pandas are from China or they are in a crib or on a table and unfortunately they are endangered

  • the girl is very small and also very much like her mother 
    • the man is apparently older than the woman and probably the father 
    • the woman is young and beautiful woman is the mother provalvelmente 
    • and gorgeous puppy is simply a beautiful dog guard kkkk

    sentences about your family

    1. My family has 4 people me, my mother, my father and my brother! 
    2. unfortunately my grandfather from my mother passed away, I miss him! 
    3. My family is not one of those who always leaves the house are more homemade 
    4. Amazingly I have 7 bridesmaids. 
    5. Our main hobby is traveling together